Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Man, yesterday was torturous. The internet at our house dropped out at about 2pm and didn't come back until 11pm, so I missed the entire election. On top of that, I had an exam this morning, so I had to study at home instead of going out somewhere. I can watch everything today I guess, but it won't be the same...

I'm starting to think I've found the point where I've taken on not quite too many activities. What with taking a class every day and trying to get to the necessary appointments in Seattle so I can continue my education, I've had very little time for anything else, including blogging. I hate to think that I'll have to take a hiatus until things settle down, but then it's not like I have time to think of things to write.

The desire for an easy life is almost overpowering sometimes.


Elizabeth McClung said...

I'll support you in whatever you want. I think when it starts to affect your health that is a problem but it sounds like you are reprioritizing, and that's cool. I'll still be here when exams are over, (that's soon, right?). Sorry, morbid humor. Sorry you missed the coverage, I think the entire world was watching, Canada was becuase I think we were like number 4 on McCain's list of countries to invade. Plus our dollar went to 77 cents and back up to 88 in ONE week - so we are getting very USA-centric for a while. I hope you do well on the test!

yanub said...

I had a hellish workday yesterday, without any chance to check how things were going until just before close of business. And at that point, I learned that Ohio had just gone blue. Oh, that was the best thing I could have heard at that point.

Even though it isn't as good to watch the speeches as afterward, you'll still be glad you watched.

Tayi said...

Thanks for the friendly comments! The test turned out well, as did the election, and I enjoyed sitting through the Daily Show's election coverage even if I did already know how it turned out.